Notice what the words did

What is it that needs to happen for the oblivion aroud the patriarchy to be blown to smithereens ??t??

Perhaps it is really about caring enough about another to stop..

Stop…. And notice what the words did….

To be interested in the responses of another human being. To be willing to notice the incredible brilliance of vibrating human resonance.

I do not want to believe that walking away from cruel words with two opposing experiences is a “normal experience”. One person hurting , the other oblivious to the hurt they delivered.

I want that to be an abnormal, unaware and disquieting human experience. I want every person to slow the f^#£ down and care that we have the honor and gift of being here on this planet and actually have the ability to interact with another human.

There is an African culture where the greeting is “I see you”…. Rather than “hi”…..

What would the world be like if we paused for a breath or two to SEE EACH OTHER….

Maybe then we would not walk away oblivious of our effect on a companion human.

I notice that explanations about why something is a certain way does not have an opening to an action.

For change to begin…

We need to make movements ….

Actions need to be taken.

Clarity of purpose found

Knowing what I am standing for

Breathing deep enough to take that step

Say that pain

Stop that interaction

Take a deeper breath

Say the even harder thing

Take the fear ridden step

Reach even deeper to pull up the old anguish

That truth we couldn’t say

Look at it for myself first

Even as I cry

Believe it’s wisdom

Wipe away the shit that hid it all these years

Own it

It hurt

It was wrong thinking

Speak it now

No one knew to call it into question

It was still wrong

It still hurt

It mattered

We mattered

But we didn’t know how to wrestle it into truth

Breathe with the courage

Release to the freedom

Of bare quivering truth.

That’s the raw equality.

Dripping with sweat

After the exertion of opening our eyes.


The nuances of patriarchy


Some days I just can’t take it anymore.