I have a few more words…

For some reason I can’t explain I have a few more words about “Barbie”.

As I tilled soil and dead headed in my garden … I kept “tilling” why I felt any urge at all to recommend it….


A fascinating thread of comments kept popping up on my first post… why would I think this movie is important?

I have read more about it than I have read about any movie…

It’s female director Greta Gerwig and her idea and delight, listened to the actors, read that it is indeed a Mattel movie…. And on and on…..

But what stands out is the movie was MADE….!!!!!

Despite lots of “white knuckling” by those that apparently didn’t really want deep messages out loud OR hidden!!

It was MADE—- with its massive poke at the patriarchy, with its clear message about what Barbie did to women’s self perception in the 60s and beyond … it was made funny and silly and pink all the while messaging women can do anything…. as can all people.

The crowning glory for me was the dialogue about the opposing messages women STILL recieve…..

And… ooohhhhh


Oh my honey…. “I am NOT getting back in that box or any box for that matter!!!”

If you really knew me you would know …..

I have a large pastel creation (mine) hanging in my office…..that I call “Out of the Box” drawn 27 or so years ago when I exuberantly had to change about 10,000 ways of thinking and being in my life.

This topic is close to home, to my heart and to my history.

As I clipped the dry seed heads off the gillardia and the zinnias and the carnations I kept coming back to this:

How many movements should we NOT have had to call out and make loud noises about:

Me Too! ?

Women’s right to vote….?

And how many more?

No doubt thousands.

But by coming at this issue with pink, silly, delight…. Maybe, just maybe it will reach the hearts and minds of those that could not change their perspective any other way.

I think I’m done.

Now for some garden pictures!


Barbie Movie: 2nd viewing


Barbie Movie: First viewing