A movie about the sovereignty of women

Hey folks …. I’ve been thinking about an inquiry asked of me on my last “Barbie” post.

The inquiry was “why did I think there was no addition about relationships between women and men illuminated, at the end of the movie ?

This is my opinion.

I believe this movie is about the sovereignty of women.

Of women finding their deep inner worth… of understanding that they do not NEED a man to be whole.

And I really mean WHOLE.

There is nothing missing if you happen to be born with a female body —- that a person of another gender needs to step in and do to make you complete.

To me the point of the whole movie was recognizing what the patriarchy has attempted to shove into women’s heads and bodies for millennium.

The topic of relationship has to be completely “ re- thought” and that is a topic for some other time.

These old ways of entitlement are in all of us…. No matter how much we have changed and recognized the culture.

I know myself as a staunch and solid supporter of women ……and I still sometimes catch myself complying when I don’t agree, “bubble- wrapping” remarks to help them land softer rather than being direct… subtly not standing up for myself.

Personally, it makes me deeply disturbed that this cultural patriarchy is so deep in my bones that I cannot eradicate it completely.

And —-

That is my opinion of why all the women didn’t hold some man’s hand and walk together into the sunset and live happily ever after.

That would have made me feel sick.

It’s why Barbie put on her Birkenstocks and began the journey of being human which included reclaiming her sexual self.

That’s my response to that question.

We are way past the point where trying to illuminate the equality of women from a gentle perspective is even slightly going to make an impact.

A movie with pink plastic houses and cars and dolls in the shape that “men generally were attracted to “ just might be a bigger wake up call than all the carefully worded explanations can ever do.

Yet one more plea to go and watch this movie and relate it to yourself.

It’s a beginning.


Dorothy and Barbie


Barbie Movie: 3rd viewing